Monday, July 06, 2009



LUKE 8:12. Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.
THE devil is real. Yes, even today. Let me sound a warning to those who have dropped out of church for whatever reason-none good by the way.
The devil is all out at war to get us all to stop reading our Bibles, and he is doing a great job.
Why does the devil not want us to read the Bible?
If we read the Bible we hear how to get right with God, and we might get saved.
We need to be a christian, and the key is read the Bible.
We need to be a good christian, and the key is to read the Bible.
So, heed the warning which is twofold:
Don't quit church.
Don't stop reading the Bible.
Have a blessed day-PASTOR JOE

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