Monday, March 31, 2008


Reporting in

Sometimes it seems I am short and sweet with my blogging- so I shall try to be more personal.
Yesterday was a great day:
We had a dozen in our Sunday school class that I teach- it was interesting and enjoyable. I have such a good bunch.
The morning service we had 101- the choir did so well- as usual. The message on Heaven I hope to have online later today-
the Lord's Supper which we have 4 times per year- was special- it was worshipful. Karen did a great job on the song s while the bread and juice were being served-Wow!!!
Last night the Heaven's Echoes were such a blessing-loved them.
A few went our for supper togther and that is always fun- in a little while I shall head to the office- to study King Saul for Wed. night Bible study-love that too.
Have a great one-PASTOR JOE

Friday, March 28, 2008



Yes Sunday morning the good Lord has given me a message on Heaven to preach- it of course is one of my favorite topics, and I do love to preach on it.
Don't miss this one- will try to have it on the website next week.
Havw a great one-PASTOR JOE

Thursday, March 27, 2008



How much zest do we have? How do we spend the zest we have?
Most of us come up with the zest we need when we want it.
Do we have a zest for the things of God? If not I am afraid we have zest for the things of Satan. Think about this seriously.
This is very important- HOW DO WE SPEND OUR ZEST? I tells much about us- PASTOR JOE

Wednesday, March 26, 2008



Yes, you. I have great news for you- Jesus loves you, and so does His Father- God- John 3:16- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
That is the Bible in 1 verse- believe it and enjoy life forever.
Never forget Jesus loves ME

Tuesday, March 25, 2008



Are there some things that we need to X out of our lives? Are there some habits, customs, or traditions that we would be better off without? Are we doing some things wrong?
Then with God's help, let's X them out-think about it-PASTOR JOE

Monday, March 24, 2008



Are we a winner? Now? In eternity? The person who believes in Jesus wins now-the best kind of life, and wins in eternity-heaven forever.
Jesus promised so much to those who believe in Him. And since Easter is about Jesus and His resurrection- I believe that Jesus knows what He is talking about- He is the Savour!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008



God desires for us to experience a life of victory. How so? If we believe in Jesus we experience victory over death, hell, sin and the grave-GLORY!!!!
Do we live like it? Do we know the joy from Jesus? Do we live the life of victory? We can, and we should, but do we?
Is God or satan smiling at us now?
Victory is ours-enjoy it- PASTOR JOE

Thursday, March 20, 2008



We are to be as one- they were on the day of Pentacost in Acts 2. We should be too, but are we?
If not-why not? Who are we following? Who are we listening to?
If we desire to hear the Lord's well done we need to follow thw Word and the Spirit and be as one.
Never ever forget-the lost are watching-do they see Jesus in us-or Satan?
Think about it- PASTOR JOE

Wednesday, March 19, 2008



Do we have anything to be thankful for?
Count your blessing, name them one by one.
Have a thankful heart-now.
Be thankful.
Be in the now, but ready for the later.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008



For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved-Romans 10:13.
Are you saved? Why not? It is the best thing that can ever happen to you- now and later.
Trust Jesus right now as your savior-PASTOR JOE

Monday, March 17, 2008



The word for today-for Easter, and for eternity is RESURRECTED. Jesus didn't stay in the grave -He was resurrected. He is alvie and now at the right hand of God making interession for us-GLORY!!!
Think about it and believe and rejoice-Pastor Joe

Friday, March 14, 2008



Some questions need to be asked. Some questions need to be explored. Do we ask the right questions to the right people-think about it-PASTOR JOE

Thursday, March 13, 2008



Yes one can have peace with God,themselves and others (maybe).
Do you have peace with God? Why not?
Do you have peace with yourself?
Do we try to have peace with others?
The way to such peace is found only in the Bible-try it-check it out-enjoy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008



Are there perhaps some things in our lives that we need to omit? I am serious. Are there some things we would be better off without? Is God displeased with any habits we have-omit them, and God please help us do it one day at a time-PASTOR JOE

Tuesday, March 11, 2008



Many are very good at doing nothing, and have worked hard to be good at it. The only problem with doing nothing means you are doing much for the devil. He strongly desires that we do nothing for the Lord. Jesus is a doer, and so should we be.
Some think the preacher should do it all, but why are you here with gifts and talents then?
So the big question-what are we doing? and the follow up-why?
Think about it-PASTOR JOE

Monday, March 10, 2008



Jesus was often called Master, and He should have been called that-He is the Master Teacher. He taught the truth, and taught it well. We all need to know all He said and taught. Do we? Get busy learning more from Jesus.
I have a very busy day planned today-God bless you with yours-PASTOR JOE

Friday, March 07, 2008



Jesus is Lord- yes He is. What does that mean? He has the last word-He is in charge-He is the boss. Is He your Lord and Savior? He wants to be-He could be right now-ask Him, you will never regret it.
Please think about it and do it-NOW_PASTOR JOE

Thursday, March 06, 2008



Jesus is the King of Kings. His kingdom has already started as people are being saved. Heaven is a sure home for the saved. Are you a part of the kingdom work now? Or you involved in the kingom of Satan?
It is great now to be saved-are you? You can be "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall have everlasting life."

Wednesday, March 05, 2008



Yes after death comes the judgement. The Bible teaches us that God will judge each person for the life they have lived. That same Bible teaches us that we can have our sins forgiven through faith in Jesus, who died on the cross to pay for our sins-WHAT A SAVIOUR.
You may say I don't believe in the judgement-well that doesn't change the fact of it-get ready, get right with Jesus-trust Him, now- PASTOR JOE

Tuesday, March 04, 2008



Most of us would never worship a stick or a rock, but anything we place in our lives before God is an idol-be it our family, children, job, our pleasures, or the biggie- MONEY.
I am amazed at those who only get sick on Sunday. Much more could be said. I almost want to ask the question, "How many idols do we have?"
Think seriously about what I am saying as I head to the dentist-pray for me-PASTOR JOE

Monday, March 03, 2008



Our hope is from in the empty tomb of Jesus. There is life beyound the grave. God raised Jesus from the dead as He said He would, and as He promised if our faith is in Him-one day He will raise us to go to heaven to spend eternity there with Him in that perfect place-what a saviour-what a God!!! Are you ready? PASTOR JOE

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