Monday, October 13, 2008
What we need to Do
James 1: 21. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
We need to do our part in becoming more like what God wants us to be. There are some things we need to stop. We must put forth an effort to get rid of some bad habits.
Then, there are somethings we must do:
We must humbly allow the Word of God to become an important part of our lives.
We must realize the role of the Word of God-it leads us to know how to be saved.
How good a christian are we? Think about it- Pastor Joe
We need to do our part in becoming more like what God wants us to be. There are some things we need to stop. We must put forth an effort to get rid of some bad habits.
Then, there are somethings we must do:
We must humbly allow the Word of God to become an important part of our lives.
We must realize the role of the Word of God-it leads us to know how to be saved.
How good a christian are we? Think about it- Pastor Joe