Monday, July 30, 2007
What is evil?
5 entries found for evil.
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evil[1,adjective]evil[2,noun]evil eyeevil-mindedking's evil
Main Entry: 1evil
Pronunciation: 'E-v&l, Britain often and US also 'E-(")vil
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): evil·er or evil·ler; evil·est or evil·lest
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English yfel; akin to Old High German ubil evil
1 a : morally reprehensible : SINFUL, WICKED b : arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct
2 a archaic : INFERIOR b : causing discomfort or repulsion : OFFENSIVE c : DISAGREEABLE
3 a : causing harm
What does God call evil? That is why we read the Bible. There are so many things that hurt us, not help us. God knows best-check out His guidebook the Bible-start with Exodus 20. That is doing something worthwhile-Pastor Joe
5 entries found for evil.
To select an entry, click on it.
evil[1,adjective]evil[2,noun]evil eyeevil-mindedking's evil
Main Entry: 1evil
Pronunciation: 'E-v&l, Britain often and US also 'E-(")vil
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): evil·er or evil·ler; evil·est or evil·lest
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English yfel; akin to Old High German ubil evil
1 a : morally reprehensible : SINFUL, WICKED
2 a archaic : INFERIOR b : causing discomfort or repulsion : OFFENSIVE
3 a : causing harm
What does God call evil? That is why we read the Bible. There are so many things that hurt us, not help us. God knows best-check out His guidebook the Bible-start with Exodus 20. That is doing something worthwhile-Pastor Joe